Command-line interface: flectra-bin

Running the server

-d <database>, --database <database>

database used when installing or updating modules.

-i <modules>, --init <modules>

comma-separated list of modules to install before running the server (requires -d).

-u <modules>, --update <modules>

comma-separated list of modules to update before running the server (requires -d).

--addons-path <directories>

comma-separated list of directories in which modules are stored. These directories are scanned for modules (nb: when and why?)

--workers <count>

if count is not 0 (the default), enables multiprocessing and sets up the specified number of HTTP workers (sub-processes processing HTTP and RPC requests).

A number of options allow limiting and recycling workers:

--limit-request <limit>

Number of requests a worker will process before being recycled and restarted.

Defaults to 8196.

--limit-memory-soft <limit>

Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker. If the limit is exceeded, the worker is killed and recycled at the end of the current request.

Defaults to 640MB.

--limit-memory-hard <limit>

Hard limit on virtual memory, any worker exceeding the limit will be immediately killed without waiting for the end of the current request processing.

Defaults to 768MB.

--limit-time-cpu <limit>

Prevents the worker from using more than <limit> CPU seconds for each request. If the limit is exceeded, the worker is killed.

Defaults to 60.

--limit-time-real <limit>

Prevents the worker from taking longer than <limit> seconds to process a request. If the limit is exceeded, the worker is killed.

Differs from --limit-time-cpu in that this is a “wall time” limit including e.g. SQL queries.

Defaults to 120.

--max-cron-threads <count>

number of workers dedicated to cron jobs. Defaults to 2. The workers are threads in multi-threading mode and processes in multi-processing mode.

For multi-processing mode, this is in addition to the HTTP worker processes.

-c <config>, --config <config>

provide an alternate configuration file

-s, --save

saves the server configuration to the current configuration file ($HOME/.flectrarc by default, and can be overridden using -c)


enables the use of X-Forwarded-* headers through Werkzeug’s proxy support.


runs tests after installing modules

--dev <feature,feature,...,feature>
  • all: all the features below are activated
  • xml: read template qweb from xml file directly instead of database. Once a template has been modified in database, it will be not be read from the xml file until the next update/init.
  • reload: restart server when python file are updated (may not be detected depending on the text editor used)
  • qweb: break in the evaluation of qweb template when a node contains t-debug='debugger'
  • (i)p(u)db: start the chosen python debugger in the code when an unexpected error is raised before logging and returning the error.


-r <user>, --db_user <user>

database username, used to connect to PostgreSQL.

-w <password>, --db_password <password>

database password, if using password authentication.

--db_host <hostname>

host for the database server

  • localhost on Windows
  • UNIX socket otherwise
--db_port <port>

port the database listens on, defaults to 5432

--db-filter <filter>

hides databases that do not match <filter>. The filter is a regular expression, with the additions that:

  • %h is replaced by the whole hostname the request is made on.
  • %d is replaced by the subdomain the request is made on, with the exception of www (so domain and both match the database flectra).

    These operations are case sensitive. Add option (?i) to match all databases (so domain using (?i)%d matches the database Flectra).

--db-template <template>

when creating new databases from the database-management screens, use the specified template database. Defaults to template1.


Suppresses the ability to list databases available on the system

built-in HTTP


do not start the HTTP or long-polling workers (may still start cron workers)

--http-interface <interface>

TCP/IP address on which the HTTP server listens, defaults to (all addresses)

--http-port <port>

Port on which the HTTP server listens, defaults to 7073.

--longpolling-port <port>

TCP port for long-polling connections in multiprocessing or gevent mode, defaults to 7072. Not used in default (threaded) mode.


By default, Flectra displays all logging of level info except for workflow logging (warning only), and log output is sent to stdout. Various options are available to redirect logging to other destinations and to customize the amount of logging output

--logfile <file>

sends logging output to the specified file instead of stdout. On Unix, the file can be managed by external log rotation programs and will automatically be reopened when replaced


enables log rotation daily, keeping 30 backups. Log rotation frequency and number of backups is not configurable.


logs to the system’s event logger: syslog on unices and the Event Log on Windows.

Neither is configurable

--log-db <dbname>

logs to the ir.logging model (ir_logging table) of the specified database. The database can be the name of a database in the “current” PostgreSQL, or a PostgreSQL URI for e.g. log aggregation

--log-handler <handler-spec>

LOGGER:LEVEL, enables LOGGER at the provided LEVEL e.g. flectra.models:DEBUG will enable all logging messages at or above DEBUG level in the models.

  • The colon : is mandatory
  • The logger can be omitted to configure the root (default) handler
  • If the level is omitted, the logger is set to INFO

The option can be repeated to configure multiple loggers e.g.

$ flectra-bin --log-handler :DEBUG --log-handler werkzeug:CRITICAL --log-handler flectra.fields:WARNING

enable DEBUG logging for RPC requests, equivalent to --log-handler=flectra.http.rpc.request:DEBUG


enable DEBUG logging for RPC responses, equivalent to --log-handler=flectra.http.rpc.response:DEBUG


enables DEBUG logging of HTTP requests and responses, equivalent to --log-handler=flectra.http:DEBUG


enables DEBUG logging of SQL querying, equivalent to --log-handler=flectra.sql_db:DEBUG

--log-level <level>

Shortcut to more easily set predefined levels on specific loggers. “real” levels (critical, error, warn, debug) are set on the flectra and werkzeug loggers (except for debug which is only set on flectra).

Flectra also provides debugging pseudo-levels which apply to different sets of loggers:


sets the SQL logger to debug

equivalent to --log-sql


sets the flectra and HTTP request loggers to debug

equivalent to --log-level debug --log-request


sets the flectra and HTTP request and response loggers to debug

equivalent to --log-level debug --log-request --log-response


--language <lang>

Specify the language of the translation file. Use it with –i18n-export or –i18n-import

--i18n-import <filename>

Import a CSV or a PO file with translations and exit. The ‘–language’ option is required

--i18n-export <filename>

Export all sentences to be translated to a CSV file, a PO file or a TGZ archive and exit. The file extension determines the export format.


Comma-separated list of modules to export or all. Use in combination with –i18n-export


Comma-separated list of languages you want to be loaded


Overwrites existing translation terms on updating a module or importing a CSV or a PO file


--email-from <address>

Email address used as <FROM> when Flectra needs to send mails

--smtp <server>

Address of the SMTP server to connect to in order to send mails

--smtp-port <port>

If set, flectra should use SSL/STARTSSL SMTP connections

--smtp-user <name>

Username to connect to the SMTP server

--smtp-password <password>

Password to connect to the SMTP server


Scaffolding is the automated creation of a skeleton structure to simplify bootstrapping (of new modules, in the case of Flectra). While not necessary it avoids the tedium of setting up basic structures and looking up what all starting requirements are.

Scaffolding is available via the flectra-bin scaffold subcommand.

-t <template>

a template directory, files are passed through jinja2 then copied to the destination directory


the name of the module to create, may munged in various manners to generate programmatic names (e.g. module directory name, model names, …)


directory in which to create the new module, defaults to the current directory

Configuration file

Most of the command-line options can also be specified via a configuration file. Most of the time, they use similar names with the prefix - removed and other - are replaced by _ e.g. --db-template becomes db_template.

Some conversions don’t match the pattern:

The default configuration file is $HOME/.flectrarc which can be overridden using --config. Specifying --save will save the current configuration state back to that file.