Process Batch Transfers

Batch picking allows a single picker to handle a batch of orders, reducing the number of times he must visit the same location. In Flectra, it means you can regroup several transfers into the same batch transfer, then process it, either via the barcode application or in the form view.

Create a Batch Transfer

To activate the batch picking option, go to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Configuration and enable Batch Pickings.

View of the inventory settings. Process to enable the batch pickings option in the Flectra Inventory app

Then, go to Inventory ‣ Operations ‣ Batch Transfers and hit the create button.

View of the new menu, Batch Transfers, under operations

Now, determine the batch transfer responsible and the type of transfers you want to include in the batch. To add the types of transfers, click on Add a line.

View of a Batch Transfers form

In the example below, a filter was applied to only see the transfers that are in the Pick step. After that, the different transfers that needed to be included in the batch transfer were selected.

View of the list of transfers to choose for a single batch transfer and how to add them to the batch transfer

To see the products to pick for the different transfers, click on Select. If Multi-locations has been activated, the document also shows the locations they have been reserved from.

Create a Batch Transfer from the Transfers List View

From the Transfers List View, select transfers that should be included in the Batch. Then, select Add to batch from the Action list.

View of the process to add transfers to a batch transfer from the transfers list view

Next, determine if you want to add the transfers to an existing draft batch transfer or create a new one.

Option to add a responsible to a batch transfer so it can be confirmed